46 rice cooker

After few days living in Singapore, you realize that you cannot live without a rice cooker, same as a fan and a kettle. Since we are in the new apartment, the hob and the washing machine are already spoiled, so we had to spend the day between home appliance to face these emergencies.

We discussed a lot about the rice cooker, until the sales man of the year convinced us to buy a super accessorized Japanese model, which is supposed to change our diet and improve considerably the quality of our life. By the way, in this situation, I heard that my husband has read an entire book about parboiled rice.

Finally we went back home with fan, rice cooker, phone, kettle but without the hob.


31 the hair dresser

In Singapore you can recognize western women as all of them has a bush on the head, unless she had her hair set in the last 2 hours. After one month, I now desperately needed an hairdresser. To find the right one is extremely difficult. Travelling in different countries I never did the good choice. This time I chose this as I liked so much the armchair. And it was ok!


27 Mycoplasma

Some weeks ago, the kindergarden tried desperately to advise me that some cases of Mycoplasma had occurred in the school.

I was ironic about this alarmism, and I sent anyway my brave small soldier to the school. On the other side, to stay with me all the day at home would have been much worst for them!

As you can imagine, now they are very sick. In the picture the drugs that the doctor asked me to give them…


26 Easter

Today we went to the church to follow the Mass in Italian.

This is a particular of the wonderful garden beside the church.

Oggi abbiamo seguito una messa in Italiano. Questo un particolare dello  splendido giardinetto di fronte alla chiesa, un posto bellissimo.


24 the cinema

Today we went for the first time to the cinema. As usual the organization was impeccable, but the airco this time was special. If outside there were 30 C° inside non more than 12 C°.

You need to wear your coat to go, and people does!

Sleeping beauty, is worthy.

23 the dentist

Today my husband had a bit toothache. I was by then totally focused to new experience of real daily life. I decide therefore to test the health system closely. Amazing. Another record to add to the long list.

We had neither an appointment nor a contact to refer to.

The record:

We went out at 12.15 and at 13.30 everything was already finished.

The only problem was that me came in with a small pain and he went out suffering with a big puffy face.

Very quick but not gentle at all.

20 the kindergarden for Fede

Today Fede has started the kindergarden in English and Mandarin, where I sent the twins some days ago. He goes in the morning and the other in the afternoon. Such a stupid organization of the day.

If you think that I haven’t planed the schooling of my sons in details yet, you are wrong. The situation is totally out of control. I don’t know yet in which school Federico will go and for the twins I don’t even remember where I applied for them and where they are in waiting list, dispite we invested a huge sum in registration fees. I’ve called almost all the Kindergarden around    proposing many different solutions (one in the morning the other in the afternoon, one in a site the other one somewhere else) in order to find places available. Today I called a Kindergarden, sure that it was for the first time, and the lady at the reception answered promptly “Hi marina, how are the twins?”


19 the night safari

Arrived in Singapore, my eldest son missed so much, from the very beginning, the sofficini and the wood of Lugano.

To cheer the children up, we decide to go to the “night safari”, one of the most popular attraction in Singapore.

Due to the extreme difficult situation, we told them that we were going for an adventurous walk into the jungle, during the night. We were supposed to see monkeys, exotic reptiles and dangerous insect; maybe not the tiger.

We arrived at a big parking place, we had to cue for a long time to go in a open train together with many other people with camera. The trail run along the usual animal home, they were free but they never moved from there, in the meanwhile a lady with a microphone explained animal’s characteristics and habits of these wonderful creatures.

We were allowed to go out of the train for a short walk, well directed by signes that indicated the way towards the leopard or the hippo.

To justifie all this was not so easy.